
The Napa Sofa: an Elegant Piece For Your Ergonomic Living Room

Posted by Eloy on Dec 4th 2020

"Ergonomics" is a concept that we hear very frequently when we talk about interior spaces, furniture designs, and areas in general. However, not everyone knows the meaning of this word or is fully familiar with its highly relevant implications. Ergonomics is the discipline that’s responsible for making an object or environment adapt appropriately to the needs and nature of the human being, not only in a fully physical and corporeal way but also in a psychological sense. We can recognize the ergonomic characteristics of a place or an outstanding design such as the Napa sofa when it gives us facilities and advantages for its use and so that we can feel comfortable in it.

It stands to reason then that both the world of interior design and decor and the world of furniture design are so closely related to this concept and all that it means. A modern sofa or any other ergonomic piece of furniture is especially valued if it adapts well to the body, it has the technical and functional advantages that favor its use, and it's capable of fulfilling its functions efficiently, without affecting the user in any way but, on the contrary, providing all the comforts and facilities that the person was looking for.

Setting Up an Ergonomic Environment

Broadly speaking, these are some of the most outstanding features of a fully ergonomic design:

  • An ergonomic object should be easy to clean and maintain, especially if it has a sophisticated shape or is made up of many small components. Besides, during their creation process, designers must take into account the type of environment in which it will be used and the amount of dirt that can accumulate. For example, an object designed to be used outdoors is much more likely to collect dust than one that's made for indoors; therefore, it must be properly shaped for these environments.
  • An ergonomic object shouldn't be too complicated to use. At least, not within the functionalities for which it was designed and the type of user for whom it's intended. When an object has very complicated instructions for its use and demands excessive prior preparation, effort, or particular skills on the part of the people, it's said to have a non-ergonomic design.
  • An ergonomic object or environment is user-friendly and eliminates or reduces the dangers and risk factors for its use. When interior designers evaluate the most favorable technical aspects of a compartment and ensure that it's safe and prepared for the type of activities that are going to be carried out inside, they are ensuring the ergonomics of the place.

Ergonomics is highly valued in all aspects of life, but especially in furniture design, particularly chair design. One midcentury sofa with leather upholstery such as the Napa sofa is highly valued for its durability, high quality, and elegance. The design of this piece was specially elaborated for demanding people who needed a high-quality chair and its development lasted for years before being launched on the market. It's a design in which even the smallest detail was taken care of.

If until now you weren't too familiar with the concept of ergonomics, surely from now on you'll take it into account before buying any furniture piece or when you decide to carry out any remodeling of your spaces. Surrounding yourself with ergonomic environments will undoubtedly be very beneficial for you and your family.