How to Transform Your Bedroom With The Perfect Mid-Century Modern Bed
Posted by Becca Polak
It's difficult that the bed doesn't become the focal point of the interior design in any bedroom, since it's usually the piece that occupies the largest space within the compartment and in which people fix their attention first. Although there's more furniture in the room, in the end, none will be more important than the bed, because it will be the most used element, the one that will generate more interest from the users and the one that will name the compartment. There's a great diversity of bed designs, and if what you want is a mid-century modern bed, the options available within this trend will show you the wide possibilities and options you have.
For example, one of the first options you can consider is the Addison 5 Piece Queen Bedroom Set 1. This mid-century modern bed seeks to break the monotony of traditional beds and presents a more original and fascinating design, oriented to create a relaxing environment. The complete set consists of five pieces in total, designed to be used together, but the bed is also marketed only as an individual piece. This model achieves the perfect balance between elegance and simplicity, merit that not any design can achieve. Its upholstery includes a padded foam headboard and four short wooden legs.
Another of the main options that you can consider is the Estate King Bed. This mid-century modern bed retains a traditional touch in its aesthetics, without losing its good taste and personality. It's a piece designed and manufactured to last a long time and offers great strength and endurance. Additionally, it can be used with any type of mattress that fits its measurements.
Choosing the most suitable mid-century modern bed can start to become a bit complex task when you begin to evaluate and discover more and more options. Only the two models mentioned above are a clear example of how different could be the pieces that this style can offer. It's important that, in any case, the mid-century modern bed that you choose looks good in any decorative environment, which doesn't look like a discordant element, but chosen correctly to meet the needs of the user, both aesthetic and functional.
If you like to impress with great originality and distinction, so that your visitors take a pleasant and memorable image of the most intimate spaces of your home, the Freja 3 Piece Queen Fabric Bedroom Set might be the mid-century modern bed you are looking for. It's a design based on straight lines and geometric shapes, made of strong materials of high category. This bed doesn't require box spring.
On the other hand, the Linnea Queen Fabric Bed is another very valid option that can be taken into account. It's a mid-century modern bed focused on comfort and aesthetics at the same time. It's a piece designed to offer a pleasant night's sleep in a highly attractive model. Its materials are strong and long-lasting. It's based on a strong and reliable poplar wood slat support system capable of offering the perfect balance between durability, comfort, and beauty.
The aesthetic value of your bedroom can be incredibly enhanced with the correct mid-century modern bed, most of all because the bed is the piece of furniture that occupies more space inside the room, it's almost always placed in the center of it, It's the object of most common use and the most exposed to the eyes. The bed has such notoriety inside the interior design that it's practically the element that will define mainly the decorative style of the entire room.
The Abigail Queen Bed, meanwhile, adds a touch of delight to the environment and very soft features and great elegance to the decorative style. Although it may seem a bit simple, it's a piece made with small buttons with tufts and a square design. The surface of its headboard upholstered with quilted fabric, very soft to the touch. Although it's not a piece that stands out for its exuberance, it's a very remarkable and striking model.
Maybe you're a lover of the simple, you don't like very sophisticated furniture and maybe your only hope is to get a mid-century modern bed that fulfills its functions without many more additions. In this sense, the Corinne King Bed Frame consists of a simple steel frame of great strength and resistance, capable of supporting up to 1300 Lbs. Despite its rustic appearance, it's a model in which the details have been carefully taken care of, such as on the legs, which have protectors so that they don't leave marks on the floor. Also, it's a very versatile model, since it doesn't need box spring and can be used with any type of mattress whose dimensions fit it
Some designs are intended to be the center of attention of entire interior design. Its characteristics, the predominant materials and what you most want to highlight within it. A mid-century modern bed can have great aesthetic value by itself, regardless of the environment in which it's located, and if its design has great aesthetic value, it can bring a lot of presence and personality to the environment. On the other hand, it will also depend on how you dress it. A bed dressed in a set of elegant sheets or comforters can look incredibly good and welcoming.
Another example of elegance without resorting to extravagant features is the Anya Queen Bed, which bears a remarkable resemblance to the Linnea Queen Fabric Bed mentioned above, although this is a bit simpler. Colors and dimensions are key in designs like this. Its base and headboard are made of upholstered polyester fabric, and although it looks like a delicate piece, it is capable of supporting up to 1300 Lbs.
On the other hand, the Claire Queen Bed has a very robust structure, of great strength and volume, something not always dressed in a mid-century modern bed. It's a model that points to a classic decorative atmosphere. The bed features a striking aesthetic and exhibits a smooth pose of a dignified style.
The process to renovate your bedroom’s layout and choose the most appropriate mid-century modern bed is to discover the similarities, which may be very obvious or not, between the piece to choose and the elements of the environment. The predominant color scheme, the materials that have a greater presence and the amount of free space are key when making this kind of decision. Some rooms contain many furniture and wooden elements, while others emphasize bright mirrors and ornaments.
For example, the Lola Queen Bed is very different from the rest of the models mentioned above. The change you want may be more radical and remarkable than simply changing colors and furniture, but if the design of your bed is like that of this model, you may consider the glam touch as a very valid option. This mid-century modern bed offers an exotic and interesting proposal, reminiscent of a box of chocolate bonbons, breaks with traditional archetypes and is capable of totally transforming the image of your bedroom.
A final example, very different from all the previous ones, is the Ophelia Queen Fabric Bed. It's probably the preferred mid-century modern bed of those who usually choose a discreet and elegant style. Its fine headboard and footboard are what makes it so distinguishable, and its simple and minimalist aesthetic value can virtually embellish virtually any room. This model doesn't require a bed base and offers great stability since it includes a central beam reinforced with support legs for maximum stability. Despite its delicate appearance, it's actually a very strong piece, since it's capable of supporting up to 1300 Lbs.
It's possible that the more you review the catalog of options you have, the wider it seems, to the point that it looks endless, but the more alternatives you can consider, the closer you'll be to discover the mid-century modern bed that you have in mind. The most important thing is that you never lose sight of the objective you want to achieve with the renovation of your space and get the exact result or closer to what you are looking for with your mid-century modern bed. You must ensure that your space proves to have a design born of creativity and inspiration and not as a random result of the circumstances.
This article has shown several important recommendations from which you can choose a suitable and appropriate model for your space, but in reality, your future mid-century modern bed may be among the many other options that have been left out. If you already have your clear goals and enough inspiration, you can take the first steps towards the design you want for your room. Visit our Showroom in New York City to discover the other wonderful pieces that we can offer you in Manhattan Home Design.