
Practical Tips For Small Houses Owners | From Best Modern Sofas To Cool Ideas

Posted by Gabriela Martinez on Apr 21st 2021

Having small spaces is usually a bit chaotic if we do not choose a style appropriate to our dimensions and distribute our decorative elements correctly. Today we will help you with this challenging task! From the best options for modern sofas to arrangement tips that will be useful when creating a harmonious design in your small dimensions.

So start decorating and taking advantage of the spaces in your home with these creative options!

1. Select a modern sofa like the LC3 sofa replica

At Manhattan Home Design we think of each and every user, including those who own narrow spaces. That is why we have a Loveseat type sofa option that will adapt perfectly to your small dimensions.

The replica of the LC3 sofa or also called the Le Corbusier sofa, is the key piece for any modern living room where you want to add a touch of elegance and functionality.

The LC3 sofa includes thick, comfortable pillows inside the steel frames. This design was made in this way with purpose which was that the sofa was comfortable from each of its parts; a tubular structure that supports the soft seats and gives them an aesthetic that's fully compatible with modern styles.

This specific sofa is suitable for small places! Why? Because it is a versatile product where it can easily fit into multiple styles such as industrial, minimalist, mid-century, and obviously; modernist. Besides, its dimensions are enough to show a spacious structure that feels like it is welcoming you and helps you create that open concept you want for the room.

The replica we offer you stick to the original design and try to represent every detail and finish of the original LC3 sofa.

2. Create multipurpose spaces

To take advantage of every last inch of the house, it is necessary to add several purposes to a single space. What does that mean? That a single space can be used to perform more than one function. For example, we all know that guest rooms are rarely frequented by people, which means that most of the time they are always empty. Therefore, you can take advantage of the space and time that will not be inhabited by setting up a home office. You can do this by adding a desk and an office chair. An easy and affordable tip!

3. Add large mirror

This tip is frequently recommended by interior design professionals as by strategically placing long mirrors on the floor, you can create focal points that reflect the rooms and make the people visiting, and even you, unconsciously think that there is space behind.

You can also implement vintage mirrors that normally show striking and delicate details that helps beautify your whole room.

4. Select neutral color palettes

This is one of the most important tips for creating an illusion of a bigger place. We recommend you to usewhite and beige colors in the walls.

Comment below what you think about these tips and the LC3 sofa!